Tuesday, September 20, 2005

You're Cordially Invited to my Pity Party

I received the following e-mail from a friend of mine. She was answering my "what's new with you?"

"Nothing is really new with me. Work is the same. [Husband] is the same. House is the same. Dog is insane. [17-month-old son] is fantastic. Talk about a little rock. This child keeps me grounded like nothing I’ve ever experienced. Looking at him, or even thinking of him provides instant perspective no matter what the situation. He is the true meaning of nothing else matters. Other than that, I spend most days doing exactly the same thing. I don’t have a lot of freedom to change my schedule. One or two nights a month [husband] will pick up the baby for me so I can have a dinner out with friends or get my hair cut. But the days of “where should go after work tonight” are totally over. There’s very little, if any, spontaneity left in my life. It gets a little boring...but then I look at [baby] and it all becomes clear again. The grass never looks greener on the pre-[baby] side of the fence, but there’s a lot of good memories over there. ;) "

And after I read that, all I wanted to do was cry. I'm not sure why. Of course I'm happy for her. Absolutely thrilled. She deserves it. Why is it that everyone's life has changed, except mine?

And am I being incredibly selfish and ego-centric to think that she's being slightly insensitive to send me a "my life is great because I have a child" message? I probably am. I'll get over it -- pity parties don't usually last long for me. But every once in a while, I feel the need to have one.

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