Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Sometimes. I. Really. Hate. My. Job.

Deep breath.

I was given the task of working with student affairs on a website showcasing the college's diversity initiatives. No one wanted to take ownership. No one wanted our office to get involved. No one felt the need that the design, production, writing or editing go through our office. So I went off, hired an outside vendor, worked with the client to work on copy. I shared the slow progress in update meetings. The site is almost ready to be launched. Now...people want to have an opinion. Now they feel the need that we bring in focus groups about the actual need for this site, which by the way was a need the president felt.

I just want the damned thing up and launched. You didn't want to get involved three months ago. You don't get a vote now.

Then...I just spent an hour, in a meeting, listening to people bitch about our boss, bitch about the way our office is run, bitch about how they are going into our office retreat next week "fearless," and ready to unload all their frustrations with the system, our boss, etc.

Calgon...take me away.

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