Monday, November 28, 2005

An Interesting Development...

...though I'm not sure what, if anything, it means. My friend Dayna, at work, is having her annual holiday party. I got an e-mail from her husband this morning with the invite. Before I could RSVP to his e-mail, she e-mailed me to find out if I am coming. I told her yes.

Then a couple hours later, I got an e-mail from her friend Gary -- the guy that she knew that happened across my picture on, we had a nice telephone conversation and then one week later, he was "seriously involved" with someone else, and that was that (see "The Window Closed," 9/15/05).

Anyway, back to Gary...I got an e-mail from him:

Subject line: Hi Ellie -- from Dayna's friend Gary
Just wanted to drop you a note and say hi and see how your Thanksgiving went with your big family. Also hopefully you'll be able to attend Andy and Dayna's Christmas Party on the 10th. Look forward to seeing you there, Gary

Have I been burned so many times that I'm completely suspicious about this note dropping out of the blue? Am I nuts to be so cynical about this? To think that it wasn't written in the spirit it was intended? And if that's the case, what was the spirit it was intended? What is his ulterior motive?

I guess I won't find out until the 10th at Dayna's house. In the meantime, I truly don't know how to respond to his e-mail. Or if I should at all.


Anonymous said...

Don't bother responding.. Make him sweat a little.

Anonymous said...

*rolling eyes*

Erica said...

I see what you're saying, Wheel Man, but I'm not sure men are as complicated as we women imagine them to be. If I were you, Ellie, I wouldn't write him back. The 10th will be here soon enough and it'll be easier to assess the situation in person anyway.

BD said...

We're not that complicated. Yay...

Anonymous said...

I agree with Just thinking, let him be the one to wonder what you are all about for a change.