Wednesday, March 22, 2006

The Letdown

I fretted all day Monday about what to do, what should the follow-up to the date be? I figured I wouldn't have to worry about it just yet -- he said he would call "later in the week."

I got home from the gym on Monday night to two messages in my voice mail -- one from my friend JRK in Baltimore and one from Will, giving me his itinerary for the next 24 hours so I could call him back. I wish I was flattered by him calling so quickly -- and if there was an ounce of me liking him, I would have been.

JRK gave me great advice, stressing that I needed to take care of this within the next day. "Don't lead him on -- but be truthful," was her ever-present wisdom from 350 miles away.

At work yesterday I played the conversation in my head, wishing I could just email him. I even called Buffalo Dave, who was amused by the situation and took great delight in teasing me. "He called you already? He's smitten."

"But what do I say?"

" could take the guy approach and just not call him back. But that's not the thing to do. Just tell him there was no chemistry."

After 90 minutes and six miles on the treadmill, 100 crunches and 80 inner and outer thigh squeezes, I headed home to make the phone call. And he wasn't there. So I had to leave a message.

Half an hour later my phone rang with a 585 area code on the caller ID. I contemplated letting it go to voice mail, I have to admit. But I grabbed it on the last ring. He asked how my day was, was anything happening with the media relations position I've applied for at work, and "ummm, did you want to do something this weekend?"

"I can't -- I'm going to the Billy Joel concert Saturday night." Lame excuse, I know. The concert will be all of three hours, but it was a good segue into the "I'm not that into you" part of the conversation.

I don't even remember exactly what I said or what he said. It was short and sweet and, like pulling off a band-aid, over in no time.

I had emailed my friend back yesterday afternoon, the one he works with. She had emailed me bright and early Monday morning to see how it went. I figured I couldn't put her off forever. I gave the "I"m so busy at work" line, said that yes Will and I did get together on Sunday, but I wasn't sure that I would see him again, thanks for thinking of your single friend, blah blah.

I'm interested in getting her response back.

And so goes the ups and downs of dating. On to the next...

1 comment:

american daydream said...

I'm proud of you! You did the right thing...for both of you.