Thursday, March 09, 2006

Good-bye, good luck

Life is about to get very stressful. My colleague's last day at work is tomorrow. Beginning Monday, I will be doing the work of two people.

So on top of the fact that one of my dearest friends at work is leaving, I'm about to be completely over-whelmed every hour of the day.

And such is the life in higher ed, that the interview/hiring process will easily take four to six months. I shit you not. Why it takes this long is a mystery to me. The position was posted on-line on February 10th. Last I heard, about two weeks ago, we had gotten in over 30 resumes. But that, apparently, is not good enough. The position has to be posted for a certain length of time before they can start interviewing and there needs to be a certain amount of applications, diversity, etc.

We've started an informal pool in the office as to when the replacement starts. I'm being optimistic -- I said May 30th. Someone who has worked at the college a whole longer than me has guessed August 10th.

God help me if that's the case.


I haven't been to the gym this week, because it's spring break so the wellness center that I go to is closed. The regular fitness center had shitty hours -- 11am to 2pm. Yea, that's helpful.

I have managed to work out at home, doing different videos that I own. And yesterday, because I got out of my seminar early, I went for a three-mile walk. And then I felt it in my knee this morning. So I took tonight off.

JT, how's your working out going? I haven't heard lately. I've managed to coast the wheels of my car up, almost to the top of the speed bump (remember my metaphor for geeting past this plateau) and over the other side. One more pound to pre-holiday weight.

I'll be heading down to Baltimore in May -- two months from this past weekend in fact. I'd like to be down 10 more pounds. I'd like to look hot, actually. I'll be seeing my former.....not sure what to call him, so I guess just my "former" works.

I've been thinking about him a lot lately. As I struggle with being alone, from time to time, and miss being with him. And while he wasn't exactly my boyfriend, he had a way of making me feel wanted and needed -- even if it was temporary. But it was in such a way that Chris doesn't make me feel.

With Chris, this time around, there is no emotional connection. And while I don't want it with Chris, I do miss having it.

Such is the life of the single girl, I guess -- searching for that connection.

The question is....when I finally find it, will I have to change the name of my column? Or will I just be in search of something else?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ack... i've been slacking off ... sigh...