Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Mid-Winter Blues

I haven't written in a while -- I heard it from my niece tonight. Though even if she hadn't commented, certainly I knew that I hadn't written in a while. And it's been weighing on my mind. Not only that I haven't, but that I felt I had nothing to write about.

I went to visit my high school friend yesterday -- she's got a two year old and is pregnant with twins -- and then up to Syracuse to spend the night at my niece's. All around me I see it -- what I don't have. And then I came home to feel completely over-whelmed by work. And not the fact that I brought work home with me, but that I still don't feel that instinct I think I should have. All of this spirals into this over-whelming feeling, this feeling that this is it. This is my life, for better or worse. This is why I get up in the morning, this is why I go to work.

My eating has also been out of control the past few days, maybe even the past week, off and on. I need to get that "thing" back, that motivation, that willpower that I used to have. I could so easily gain back the nearly 40 pounds that I've lost in the last year. And I can't.

I actually found myself eating today, just for the sake of it. Because something sounded good. Even after I was bordering on feeling satisfied/full, I munched on pretzels and baked chips. Thank god, I don't keep "true" junk food in my house, though the bag of chocolate chips in the freezer has gotten smaller.

So how do I get it back? How do I feel in control of eating and exercise? How do I feel comfortable at my job? And how do I get that feeling back that it's all worth it, that it's all moving me forward, moving toward something bigger and better?


Anonymous said...

You'll get back in that "groove" again, and so will in the number of tasks required from you of work. With lots of love!

Ms. Posada

Anonymous said...

When you figure it out, please...for the love of God...let me know the secret!