Thursday, March 20, 2008

Easter Eggs

Not the kind you color, but the kind you hope are over 20 cm. I went in for my ultrasound/follicle check this afternoon, and before she could even tell me, I knew they were big enough. Not only from the pain and pressure I've been feeling on my lower abdomen for the past few days, but from seeing (and knowing from my previous ultrasounds) what was on the screen.

I had three over 24 cm, and a couple on the left side, just under 20. So I got my shot of hCG, which will not only induce ovulation, but also bloat me up to the size of a roughly five-months pregnant woman in two days. Fortunately, that side effect goes away after a day.

I go in tomorrow at 12:30, so I opted for the whole day off. Wish me luck. Lucky number 5? I hope so.

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