Saturday, May 17, 2008

Dream Another Dream

I think I've mentioned this before, but it happened again last night. I had a dream about someone I went to high school with. It happens about three or four times a year. Kevin just shows up, as a guest star, in my dreams.

Last night, I was driving somewhere in Syracuse, and I saw him walking with Bruno (which in itself is bizarre, because Kevin was a high school friend and Bruno was college). Somehow we lost Bruno and I ended up giving Kevina ride home. I was four months pregnant and just starting to show. I remember having my hand on my stomach and him asking if I was expecting.

Then suddenly, we were at my current house in Ithaca and I had a six-month old daughter. And then the cat meowed and woke me up.

I wouldn't think it was so weird, if I didn't continually dream about him. Last I knew he was working in politics, dividing his time between Rochester and Albany. But that was when I lived in Rochester, which hasn't happened since 1999.

I looked him up on Linked In (sort of like Facebook or mySpace for professionals) but no luck. I even went so far as to google him, but struck out there as well.

I don't know what I'm hoping to accomplish -- it's not like if I found him, I would contact him and tell him I've been dreaming about him.

Part of me is wondering if there is some deeper meaning to this? Some sort of fate? Or if it's really just random?

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