I spent a low-key weekend in Richmond. Played bunko with my sister-in-law and her friends (think yahtzee with three dice, and a picture of near-naked man that you have to wear around your neck if you get bunko -- I kid you not). One of the women there -- I later learned no one really like her -- asked me who was older, me or my brother.
I couldn't even pretend to have manners when she asked me. Hmmm...you've just met me, and now you're asking me who's older -- me, who, though I am 35, does not look it, or my 44-year-old brother. I also couldn't let her off the hook gracefully when she tried to apologize. Yes, I am a bitch -- but, I am also ultra-sensitive of my age.
Friday, I relaxed, having the house to myself. Ran a few errands, got some Christmas shopping done and carved a pumpkin (see picture!). Friday night, we hung out at home, watched TV, ate pizza and chatted -- just like when I lived in Baltimore and would head down to VA for the weekend.
Saturday, I drove to Baltimore. Or, I should say, back to Baltimore. I made such good time on I-95 that I called friends I wasn't planning to see for a quick, 30-minute visit. Then headed to Linens N Things, where I used to work part-time.
Nothing has changed -- same people, same gripes, same fun. I miss it. I really do. I had fun shopping -- got way too much stuff, but it was worth it. A new pink comforter -- it screams "ellie" -- pink on one side, and pink, light blue and dark blue stripes on the other. And pink gingham checked flannel sheets. Yes, I'm a girly girl sometimes!
And the highlight of the weekend -- Robin, someone I used to work with on the floor, looked at me and said, "you skinny, girl."
Let's clarify, that while I've been referring to my jeans as "skinny jeans" and while I do look better than I used to, by no means am I skinny. In some ethnic cultures, those who appreciate curves, yes, I would be perfect.
Back to Robin. I laughed and thanked her for noticing, telling her that if I came home with her for Thanksgiving dinner, then yes, her family would probably think I looked good. But in my world....not so much. She laughed, her big, loud, rowdy laugh, (oh I miss that laugh) and said, "yup, you as white as they come."
And I saw Caroline -- my favorite. I loved working with her. She had a way of making stupid customers suddenly realize that they were stupid, without being rude. And then of course, when she would say exactly what you were thinking to rude customers, just enough under her breath that they would hear her, but think twice about it. Did she just say....no.
Saturday night, I went to Wanda's. Her husband fixed an amazing meal, and I got to give Miranda a bath. It was good to see Wanda -- we talked about the miscarriage and B, in a way that only old friends can in person, while we put Miranda's pj's on, and while we washed dishes after dinner. We've known each other almost 10 years -- and this past year was the first one where we didn't live in the same city.
That realization last Thanksgiving when I was visiting was hard. And I cried when I said good-bye to her at that visit. It's gotten easier, but I miss her tremendously. It was so good to be able to spend such quality time with her, even if it was just an overnight visit.
And she made a great observation -- one I hadn't noticed. She said, "isn't it funny how Richmond has become home for you?!" And I thought about it. When I lived in Baltimore, I went Richmond about once a month -- about as often as I got to Syracuse now. And I would do Thanksgiving in Richmond and Christmas in Syracuse, as well as three or four long weekends a year in Syracuse. Now, I'm having Thanksgiving in Syracuse and Christmas in Richmond -- and just got back from my third or fourth long weekend in Richmond.
And alas, Sunday I drove home -- northbound 83 to 81. It was sunny, the leaves were mostly changed. I had some candy, a bagel and a bottle of Diet Pepsi. And there was crap on the radio. Isn't that the way it should be?!
Yah, You can never go home again..
I'm thinking maybe we should both head to Richmond. We both have more people there than we have up here...
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